understand Aura Scanning
Aura Scanning Service is a comprehensive evaluation of your Astral Body’s energy field, identifying influences such as Positive and Negative energies, Bandhan Dosha, and Pitra Dosha. It also assesses the levels of your 07 Chakras/ Kundalinis and provides insights into areas like extent of Business/Job Success and Marriage success. This service aims to diagnose and address any energetic imbalances affecting your well-being and life progress.
You will receive a comprehensive report of 15 pages after your Aura Scanning to understand each and everything about yourself- Your Aura.
Benefits of Aura Scanning Service
Identifies and amplifies areas where positive energy is strong, contributing to overall well-being and vitality.
Detects sources of negative energy that may be affecting your life, helping to address and mitigate their impact.
The 07 Chakra/Kundalini Analysis offers a deep exploration of your energy centers, identifying blockages or imbalances in the chakras. This analysis helps in understanding the flow of energy within you and provides guidance on how to awaken and align your Kundalini for overall well-being.
Analyze any Bandhan Dosha (restrictions or blockages) that may be hindering your progress, and offers solutions to overcome them.
Identifies Pitra Dosha (ancestral karma issues) and provides guidance to resolve related obstacles and improve life circumstances.
Detects and addresses potential threats from evil spirits, black magic, and other negative influences, ensuring a safer and more secure environment.
Tailors specific remedies and actions to balance and restore your energy, enhancing success in areas such as business, job, and marriage.